Evertech Sandbox Wiki

Evertech Sandbox is a game developed by vitsum. It is currently available on Google Play and App Store, and Itch.io (pc version is Outdated 0.99.969)

log[ | ]

  • 0.71.786 added new model: switch, button, gas engine, bearing now can be paintable. changed thruster model
  • 0.69.757 added no-collision block. added blueprint delete button to delete the whole building instead of just spoon them. added rotate clockwise button and reverse clockwise button for "physic switcher" item
  • 0.59.685 added blueprint: save you a lot of time to just repeat the buildings and you can be load it anywhere
  • (unknown version) added multiplayer: meeting and chatting with everyone in the world. also they can be build faster, but no blueprint here. sad news, build battle have been removed
  • 0.57.678 added new item: square tile, cube tile
  • optimization of blocks deletion and painted blocks rendering
  • you can find both log and apk at this link: https://www.apk4fun.com/history/273326/

Screenshots[ | ]

Videos[ | ]

  • trailоомитer

External links[ | ]